Content Marketing

Creating content and doing it well isn’t easy. Crafting compelling content can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially if you don’t have the in-house skills available.

At fastfwd, we understand the importance of content. Creativity is what we do best. Our content marketing specialists know how to create content that excites your audience and increases your website conversions. From creating a successful content strategy to promoting your content, our capacity for creativity is consistent.

Everyone has different skillsets. If content marketing isn’t your forte, our content marketing agency in Birmingham can help.

Content Strategy

It’s best to invest in strategy before planning content. Some businesses make the mistake of creating content without having a strategy first. Without a content strategy, your content has no clear purpose an ad hoc process of content creation will not get you the results you want.

With your strategy in place, you are set to go! Our content strategy process involves:

  • Researching your audience
  • Learning about your customers
  • Understanding customer pain points
  • Learning about topics of interest
  • Researching your competitors

Based on this information, we can create clear guidelines on the types of content you should be creating, along with clear objectives for your content. Your strategy is like a map for you to follow it closely and guide you towards your objectives.

Content Calendar

A content calendar is your best friend when it comes to content creation. Planning content in advance ensures a consistent stream of content throughout the year.

At fastfwd, our content team researches content ideas that are relevant to your business and goals. Content ideas are mapped out according to your target audience, their point in the customer journey and the channel you plan to use. A well-created content calendar ensures that every piece of content contributes to the goals of your company and solves issues that your target audience may have. With Fastfwd, nothing is random. Everything is planned to perfection. We’re a content strategy agency with a plan.

Content Creation

Engaging. Educational. Exciting. The content you create should be all of this and more. But creating content like this is time-consuming. It might be tempting to create content of a low standard. Don’t. It’s counterproductive.

Our talented team of designers, writers and developers work closely with you to create unique pieces of quality content. It might be a graphic, blog post or interactive content for your site. All content is professionally created, edited and completely original and unique for your business. Guaranteed.

Promotion & Outreach

Content exists to be seen. Don’t let it filter into the abyss.

You want your content to be great. But you also want it to be popular. We create a promotion and outreach plan for each content piece to ensure it’s seen by the right people. This means utilising likes, shares and comments by helping to distribute your content on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We also create emails to distribute the content to your current subscribers. More eyes on your content. More eyes on your business.

Let a successful and streamlined content marketing agency help. For a more detailed social media plan, see our social media services. Looking to improve your email marketing? Check out our email marketing service.