DevOps Services

Take your website or web app to the next level with our dedicated DevOps services. Our specialist DevOps team are experts in a range of AWS solutions aimed to boost your website performance overtime, and optimise server costs.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is the combination of website or software development and IT operations. It’s one thing to create a website, but to maintain it over time becomes a whole new playing field. And that’s where DevOps comes in. The aim of DevOps is to make sure that a website is built and runs (emphasis on the ‘run’ part) at the highest standards possible. This covers everything from minimising downtime to website security measures, and even test automations.

If you already have a website, then you know that it takes more than just developing a website to keep it afloat. There’s the server costs, limiting down-time, ensuring optimal website speed and performance on a local and global scale – Not to mention security concerns and keeping your website data safe from unwanted prying eyes.

It’s true having a website takes more than just having a website – It’s about performance, speed, security and much more!

Why is DevOps Important?

77% of companies say they currently rely on DevOps to deploy software, or plan to in the near future. (Google). This stat alone shows the very importance of DevOp services for your business. Here are just a few more reasons why DevOps is important to your business:

  • Faster Time to Market: Better development processes and automated practices make it much faster to launch new projects and release updates. A recent survey by Atlassian found that 49% of DevOps users saw faster time to market compared to those who did not have a DevOps team.
  • Lower Risks: From migration strategies to disaster recovery (DR) plans – Everything is documented and followed to a tee lowering the potential of risks. Not to mention automated testing and continuous monitoring to ensure continuous top-notch website performance.
  • Performance Improvements: DevOps are always seeking ways to improve website speed and performance overtime. In fact, 58% of organisations using DevOps witnessed better performance and enhanced ROI in 2021 (Gartner, 2021).
  • Stability & Security: Combat data breaches and cyber-crime with security testing and website vulnerability testing.
  • Quality Improvements: DevOps teams use a number of tools and processes to test the quality of a site or app before launch. In fact, 61% of DevOps users said it helped them produce higher-quality deliverables (Atlassian Survey 2020).
  • Cost optimisation: DevOps optimise costs in a number of ways including, minimising network downtime costs, website release and maintenance costs and overall server costs.
  • Minimise downtime: Imagine the money you’re losing for every second your website is down! Website down-time could be caused by a number of reasons, such as bug-ridden code, resource overloads, and even poor network stability. DevOps get down to the root cause of downtime, and fix it to ensure minimal downtimes.

DevOps are responsible for ensuring that your website or web app performs at its very best on a local, national and scale. Ultimately this leads to greater ROI, and better conversion rates for your website or web app.

Our DevOps Services

Fastfwd specialise in a range of DevOps services for your business. Our prime focus is on AWS services:

  • AWS Consulting
  • 24/7 Server Monitoring
  • AWS Account Management
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Cloud Migration Support
  • Security Review
  • Cloud Infrastructure Review
  • Disaster Recovery (DR) Plans
  • Speed & Performance Audits
  • Cost & Performance Optimisation
  • Automated Testing
  • Downtime & Rollback Strategies
  • Microservices Development
  • Custom App Development

Our range of AWS solutions help ensure that your website is running optimally overtime. 

AWS Consulting

Got a problem that you can’t fix? Our specialist AWS consultants can offer technical support and advice on managing your AWS infrastructure. We can offer consultancy in automating your practices, cyber-security, cost optimisation, rollback strategies and even create a robust cloud strategy for your websites or apps.

AWS 24/7 Managed Services

You never know when a potential outage could happen – It could be the middle of the night or on a weekend. During an outage your website could be down or unavailable costing your business money! Our 24/7 AWS management solution is a great way to minimise the impact of our outages and website downtime. As part of our 24/7 service we can configure notifications so our teams are automatically notified of any issue/s on your site. We also create robust Disaster Recovery (DR) plans to be ready in case of a disaster such as the AWS region being unavailable.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Here at fastfwd we always use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) either in Terraform or in Cloudformation for any infrastructure we build and maintain on AWS. This allows us to deploy websites and updates much faster compared to other methods of deployment. It also minimises the risk of mistakes being made during a website launch or deployment.

Performance Optimisation

Keep your website in top-shape with our performance optimisation services. Our DevOps team can monitor and review your current website’s performance and identify areas of improvement that can dramatically speed up your site. We are experts at identifying performance bottlenecks and at resolving application speed issues.

Cost Analysis

Don’t waste another penny on poorly optimised servers and cloud infrastructure. Our team can provide you with a detailed list of what resources are costing you the most money, and work with you to start optimising costs. We’ll even provide you with monthly billing reports, detailing every spend you made on AWS.

DevOps Testing

We specialise in automated builds and testing. With every website update, we will thoroughly test it manually, and with automated tools to ensure the uppermost quality. To test your website, we create a number of DevOps pipelines. These pipelines include a number of stages, and at each stage we quality check the site to ensure its high performance.

Migration Support

Migrations can be frightening. With so much to risk, it is important to have the right migration strategy in place. Our DevOps team can help you with cloud migration, serverless architecture migration and with migrating to Docker and Kubernetes. We even offer a specialist website migration service with an SEO-focus.

Microservice Development

Microservices break a huge project down into smaller, easier to manage applications. These ‘microservices’ then work together to create the same functionality as the huge project. Since microservices are created separately, they are much faster to develop and are likely to contain fewer bugs or errors. They also assist with website scaling and help remove bottlenecks for better site performance.

Cloud Infrastructure Review

Our DevOp team will help review your current cloud infrastructure and provide practical recommendations to improve its performance, scalability and security. We can even help re-architecture your existing infrastructure to make it more resilient and help meet specific Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) or Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs).

Bespoke App Development

Tired of working with old websites or legacy software? Our app developers can help rebuild your entire site using modern technologies built for the cloud age. Our specialist bespoke web development services are great for creating high-performance websites and apps built to satisfy your customers and end-users.

Our Dedicated DevOps Team

Our dedicated DevOps team will help boost the performance of your website or app at a remarkable rate. With over 10 years experience in managing websites, we have a proven record of working with big name brands to improve their site infrastructure and to optimise their performance. Simply put – We can help you build, optimise, secure and manage your website infrastructure, all-in-one.

When you work with us, you will get regular reports and updates on the performance of your website. We can even audit your website, and suggest further improvements in performance and costs. So whether you’re looking to scale up your website, or need help managing your AWS server – We are here to help you 24/7.

If you’re interested in our DevOps service, please get in touch with us.

ISO 27001 for Information Security

We are an ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 Digital Agency, so you can be assured that we take security and quality management very seriously. We put security at the centre of everything that we do, extending beyond the AWS Well-Architected Framework. We’ll help audit your security requirements, and agree standard operating procedures for our team and yours, so we have the right solution every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

The main goal of DevOps is to improve the performance of a website, app or software. This is achieved through reviewing cloud infrastructure, identifying performance bottlenecks, minimising down-time and generally anything that improves the performance of the site or application.

There are a number of reasons for why DevOps is used. The biggest reason for using DevOps is to ensure faster development of applications and easier management of these applications. Of course, in the process of achieving better performance, you’ll also notice better quality applications produced, more security and even optimising overall costs.

Common examples of DevOps would include:

  • Application/Site Development
  • Application Testing
  • Deployment of Applications
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cost Optimisation
  • Microservice Development
  • Data Security
  • Backups
  • Automated Testing

DevOps includes a range of processes and practices, all of which aim to improve an applications performance. It covers everything from website development to the deployment of updates and even the maintenance of a site.

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