Insights by Matthew Jensen

In the last few weeks we have seen the high profile launch of the Instagram for Android…

I have long been an iPad skeptic. For me it has always been a device without a job…

Last month UK internet users made 2.2 billion visits to search engines, an increase of 174 million over the…

Over the last few years, a lot of my food industry clients have been focused on two…

No, this is not a movie review. We are however excited to share the news of our…

For an 18 year old innovation, QR (quick response) codes are getting a lot of media attention.…

A while back, a marketing company came to me with a very impressive design brief for a…

I saw this very humorous and quite insightful comic this morning. Many of you will already be familiar with…

Pinterest is the latest social media craze out of the US (I know another one) but if…